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More for your village

At VillageTree we believe in creating more wealth and happiness to share with our village

Investment Approach

Our investment approach closely aligns with Warren Buffett’s concept of value investing, focusing on acquiring shares in exceptional businesses at or below their intrinsic worth. While Buffett’s method consistently yields favorable returns over the long term while minimizing risk, its scale can sometimes impede agility. At VillageTree, we capitalize on our agility and harness the power of artificial intelligence to optimize gains, thereby mitigating risks and achieving annual returns ranging from 15% to 48%.

How it got started

I recall the moment my father lost half of his life savings in a mutual fund offered by his company. It was devastating. I couldn’t help but question the broker, wondering why more wasn’t done to safeguard his hard-earned money. Later, I learned that some individuals received advice to exit the market before the downturn, a luxury my father didn’t have. These privileged few had substantial wealth, affording them special treatment that simply wasn’t accessible to my father.

Back in 2005, I was immersed in my role as a computer scientist, developing unmanned aerial control stations for the US and Canadian military. Additionally, I specialized in voice recognition technology, crafting controls for robotics aimed at detecting and neutralizing landmines in third-world countries, a project funded by the Canadian government. Amidst this work, I became fascinated by the potential of artificial intelligence and its capacity to save lives.

Simultaneously, I delved into understanding the intricacies of the stock market. These two paths seemed worlds apart at first glance. However, following my father’s financial setback, I had a revelation: if the solutions our community needed didn’t exist, it was my responsibility to create them. And so, VillageTree was born.

The Village Vacation Fund

No one should ever feel forced to choose between wealth and happiness. Amy found herself increasingly frustrated with friends and family members who seemed too busy to even share a simple coffee break. She vividly recalls the disappointment of scheduling a coffee date with her best friend three weeks in advance, only to have it canceled the day before.

Driven by this frustration, Amy conceived the idea of the Village Vacation Fund. She extended an invitation to friends and family to join the fund by contributing their vacation budget, say $2000. Once the fund reaches 100% return, the principal remains untouched, and all profits are allocated towards an annual vacation. Remarkably, VillageTree does not impose any fees or commissions for this service.

The only stipulation? Everyone must embark on the vacation together. The fund’s primary objective is to ensure that the village enjoys an annual vacation, funded entirely by the returns generated, fostering quality time and cherished memories for all.

“I am overwhelmed with gratitude, and my heart is full. My family and I immigrated to Canada in the late 80s with less than $1 and none of us spoke a word of English. We commit ourselves to never take a penny from the system and never did. My parents worked hard and sacrifice everything so my brothers and I could have an education. We’ve been offered nothing but kindness by all those we met. The few who were not nice to us offered us the most kindness. For because of them, we learned what it meant to be disappointed, how to persevere, how to figure out what we still needed to learn, and how to patiently wait for the next opportunity. Special thanks to my village which includes my family, friends, my team, customers, supporters and community for your unwavering support!””

Amy Giang

Founder & Owner

Giang was named Top 40 Under 40 in 2016 and received Immigrants of Distinction Award in 2019

Giang’s also the founder of neverforgetaday and Lube Town.

Revolutionary Trading Platform

VillageTree now offers it’s powerful trading system with best-in-class insight and analysis to a select number of qualifying traders.

Email for details.

Coming Soon!

Day trading education for beginners, advanced traders and experts. Email for details.